HealthOn Us

Health On Us Dashboard

Petal of flower being ready to blossom

User Roles

Mange your users and user access by assigning roles

New alerts

Best way to organize company is to Organize User Roles.

We work hard, we do it creatively and we like to see you here!

Summary of roles assigned

A roles are pre-defined groups for access the system across the application. Restricted or not assigned feature will not be available to the particular user role. Roles can be edited and deleted and Roles can be assigned to any user registered with the system.


Bandwidth 30Mbps and max. 50Gb/day
Restriction: Jobs

+2 more


Bandwidth 10Mbps and max. 12Gb/day
Restriction: Level 1, Jobs

+3 more


Bandwidth 20Mbps and max. 24Gb/day
Restriction: Level 1, Level 2, Jobs

+12 more

Aditi Johnson

Max Smith

Super Admin
Lisa Patvaal

Dwayne Johnson

Aditi Johnson

Max Smith

Super Admin
Lisa Patvaal

Dwayne Johnson

Jack Ma Li

Access Assigned:
  • Timesheet and Timelog
  • Project Management
  • Company Profile and Personalization
  • Track and Manage Task
  • Bandwidth 10Mbps and max. 24Gb/day
  • Restriction: Level 1, Level 2, Jobs
  • Emergency Contacts
Sandy Toppaca

Access Assigned:
  • Timesheet and Time-log
  • Project Management
  • Company Profile and Personalization
  • Track and Manage Task
  • Bandwidth 15Mbps and max. 10Gb/day
  • Restriction: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Jobs
  • Emergency Contacts
User Roles

Add/Update user Roles & Permission


Developers are organization assets and they need internet access, files storage, communication email access, check-in/check-out access, Time-sheet, Management portal and so many things to complete their daily needs and easy access to flow-less development process. Also this will help developers to be productive in good work culture.

Access and Permissions
  • Time sheet and Time-log
  • Project Management
  • Company Profile
  • Track and Manage Task
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Internet Bandwidth

  • Restriction

Users under this Roles

A roles are pre-defined groups for access the system across the application. Restricted or not assigned feature will not be available to the particular user role. Roles can be edited and deleted and Roles can be assigned to any user registered with the system.

  • Angelina Devid

    2:00 am

    Spread love and spread this template

  • JM

    Mr. Jack Mario

    2:00 am

    Spread love and spread this template

  • Roberto Carlos

    2:00 am

    Spread love and spread this template

  • The HealthOnUs

    2 days ago

    Spread love and spread this template

  • JC

    Ms. Jully CTO

    4 days ago

    Spread love and spread this template

  • JC

    Aswatthma D-Plan

    1 mo ago

    Spread love and spread this template

  • getHealthOnUs Support

    2:00 am

    Thank you for connecting

  • JM

    Mr. Jack Mario

    2:00 am

    Spread love and spread this template

  • Roberto Carlos

    2:00 am

    Spread love and spread this template

  • The HealthOnUs

    2 days ago

    Spread love and spread this template

  • JC

    Ms. Jully CTO

    4 days ago

    Spread love and spread this template

Angelina David, John McMillan and 36 others are also order from same website

2:14 pm


Jack Mario commented: "This one is most usable design with great user experience. w..."

2 days ago

Your subscription going to expire soon. Please upgrade to get service interrupt free.

4 days ago

Roberto Carlos has requested to send $120.00 money.

4 days ago

WINUX: getAdminUX

Learning for better user experience on Universal app. development

are attending

4 days ago

The HealthOnUs commented: "Thank you so much for this deep view at getAdminUX..."

6 days ago