Welcome to AdminUX

We are happy to see you

Stand out from competitors & change trend

Pick up a license to grow your brand
and your business with getAdminUX

Save more & grow more for Individuals, Business, Applications

Be polite, Be genuine, Be confident & Let's grow together.

Taking first step is important,
no matter how small or big it is

We are happy to give you choices as much as possible.
Spread a little word and spread 😃.


Perfect to tryout

Our free version comes with limited features for exploration and free to use with limited access.

  • HTML Template v1.0.0
  • 10+ Predefined Colors
  • Light Dark Mode
  • 10+ pages, Logins, Dashboards
  • 100+ widgets & Components


per project



Designed for Development

Our business license comes with more elastic features to start web development projects.

  • HTML Template latest
  • Personalization
  • 10+ Predefined Colors
  • Light Dark Mode
  • SCSS variables
  • 100+ pages
  • 300+ widgets & Components
  • HTML Future updates Change log


per project

Buy now

Business Pro

Quick Start Application

To quick start web development with Technology, We have created UI starter kit to make it easy to start for developer with different pages styles. This will reduce UI integration issues, save time and save money.

  • Includes features from Business License
  • Angular 13.9 Starter Kit | View Demo
  • Technology Future updates Change log


per project

Save 100+ hrs of UI integration
Quick start project made easy
Buy now
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Your kind and helpful nature take you to here, we wish this short journey will add 1 more star for you.
In life's any stage be kind and helpful to others not matter what brings back to you.

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#Creative &
Multipurpose HTML Template

Clean & Trending UI design with
a great user experience

HealthOnUs is creative and multipurpose template. You can use it for CRM, Business application, Intranet Application, Portal service and Many more. It comes with unlimited possibilities and 10+ predefined styles which you can also mix up and create new style. Do support and spread a word for us.